Young Love that Lasts

Young Love, with Work and Grace
Can Last a Lifetime
Published in Suburban News Publications
April 18, 2012

Young love and springtime seem to match. Both are hopeful and about new beginnings. Everyone wants love to last and grow into meaningful lives. Many people live that hope.

Two such people also made Grove City their home for more than 60 years. Ed and Ginny Van Horn, both 82, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 14.

In 1947, Ed’s father started a new business, Ohio Wire Form and Spring, now in its 65th year, and in its third generation. At 16, Ed worked alongside his father. At night, he worked at Near’s Sandwich Shop next door.

“Business was slow at first and not a lot to do. So I worked at Near’s Sandwich Shop,” Ed said.

Little did he know that his future wife’s sister, Nellie, waitressed at the same shop. She introduced the two and, as they say, the rest is history.

When 1950, and the Korean War, came about, Ed enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. He served at Pope Air Base at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, never having to physically go to Korea. While at Ft. Bragg, he invited Ginny to visit and stay at the guest house on base. It was there he asked Ginny to be his wife and in 1952, they married at the chapel on base.

“I moved in with Ed’s parents, in Grove City, until his discharge,” Ginny said. “Later, Ed inherited their home and we continue to live there today.”

Ginny was a supervisor for Ohio Bell and worked for them 20 years. “I took breaks from time to time,” she said. Part of the reason was possibly the birth and care of two sons, Samuel and Stephen, 59 and 48. “Well, Sam was born one year and one week after we were married,” Ginny said.

After Ed’s discharge, he worked with his father at the business. Eventually he became president of the company. Now their son Stephen, of German Village, is President and Sam is Vice-President.

Sam and his wife, Pam, of the West Side, have three daughters and seven grandchildren. Naturally, making Ed and Ginny proud grand- and great-grandparents. This couple are music directors at the Van Horn’s church, Life in Christ Fellowship in West Jefferson.

When asked how they held a marriage together and remained so happy, the answer came easily: “Love and the help of the good Lord,” said Ed.

“Love and trust,” said Ginny. “Plus, we both love to golf!” she added smiling.

Sam told me their faith is strong and is part of what molded all their lives together.

“It’s how they reach out to others,” he said. “That piece of thread is what pulls us together. That’s the constant.”

Robert Browning wrote of this love the Van Horn’s share: “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, ‘A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!’”

NOTE: This edition of Suburban News Publications was the last. They were purchased by The Columbus Dispatch and all future weekly newspapers are being combined with This Week newspapers.

Release date set

My next book, God Whispers: Nudges, Fudges and Butterfly Moments, will release August 8, 2012. The presale begins July 24, 2012 where you can buy the book at a 30% discount. Watch Jebaire’s website or email me if you want to be added to the presale list for notification.

Exciting times to see almost two years work finished!